Thursday, October 16, 2008

On ons, Oom-pah pahs, and Pedophiles.

I've had a great couple of days. On Wednesday, Lyndalcakes and Sharanoodle and I ate more chocolate than should be advised and then saw Towelhead at the Dendy. As always, conversation turned to differences in cultural concepts of beauty. Doy. Then after the movie we met up with Webbird for Greek dinner and they helped me decide on my ideal tattoo design. A bald eagle holding an American flag in one talon, and a nest with three eggs in it in the other talon. The eggs are painted with the Mexican, Italian, and Ukrainian flags. The eagle is grimacing, but proud, and the silhouette of the World Trade Center is reflected in its single tear. I'm thinking this would make a good chestpiece.

Yesterday I made my way up to the Rocks for my 2nd Hash run. As it was Oktoberfest, a couple of the runners were in lederhosen. I actually got to the meeting place a bit early and walked up the hill to the Observatory where there's a gazebo offering a view from the Glebe Point Bridge on one side to the Harbour Bridge on the other. It was sunset, and it was beautiful. I was thisclose to making out with myself it was such a lovely view. I felt the same way I did on my first full day here when I walked to the Botanic Gardens and was surrounded by sunlight and gorgeousness. Then I went back down the hill to meet the Hashers and they made me run, so I promptly forgot all good feelings and started to hate myself.

I hate hate hate running. I am worse at it than any other thing. My stamina will last me 1 city block before my knees and lungs start pleading for the sweet release of death. I felt particularly bad about being so pooped during last night's run because it was such a lovely track. Through the Rocks, the Botanic Gardens, Hyde Park with all its lights and people. I immediately fell behind, but Last Lix (a.k.a. Seth) hung back to tell me about a shortcut. I followed it to Hyde Park (I've figured out what the Hash chalk markings mean, for the most part), and then I lost the trail. So I created my own "scenic" journey back to the meeting place through the Pitt St. Mall, Martin Place, and up George St. Natural beauty at its finest.

To treat myself for getting lost and walk/jogging most of the way, I bought an ice cream cone before I met up with the Hashers. As I double-fisted an ice cream and a Toohey's, I kept making the same joke about having a "beer float," but I think that's an Americanism. What I would call a "root beer float" they would call a "root beer spider" apparently so my joke fell on deaf ears. People were glad that I'd come back after my virgin hash a few weeks back, so I got charged with getting lost, and had to "down down" a beer. Everyone was very welcoming and I could see how much they'd really become a family to each other. Then off to Löwenbräu for Oktoberfest. More beer, a wurtsalat, and a delicious pretzel with mustard. I'll have to go back there after the Oktober madness and get some yummy German food.

It was a very good time and I can't wait to go next week. Some of the Hashers have already reached out to me to help me get to some of the more suburban runs that are harder for me to find using public transport, or have let me know about upcoming parties and events that I might be interested in (especially since many of them are expats too). They're working on a Hash name for me, so hopefully I can get one next week! Then I can go to Hash in other countries and be all "Oh yeah my name's ________ and I ran with Sydney Thirsty back in '08."

Got some business to attend to today, and my first ever loaf of handmade bread is rising in the other room. This afternoon I'm heading back up to the observatory to take some photos and sit and enjoy the view. Then at 5 I'm going to Noodle Nights at Hyde Park and eating tasty Asian food, before meeting up with the American expat group for drinks at the Rocks. It should be a good day.

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