Sunday was an absolutely fantastic summery day. I got to enjoy a delightful late breakfast in the suburbs (smoked salmon on scrambled eggs w/ chives on a thick slice of brioche) before spending the afternoon at the Newtown Festival. Highlights included x-treem unicyclists doing tricks, various mildly capable musicians being given a platform on which to get attention, and dozens of hippies hawking their wares. Also, there were ponies! I bought myself these nifty earrings:
Probably the best part of the festival was sitting in the grass eating melty, sugary poffertjes and sweating a bucket or two. Then a stroll and a beer on King St. in Newtown to wrap up the big day out.
Yesterday was gorgeous and sunny so I took my notebook down to the Botanic Gardens and free-associated for a few hours. I felt creative looking at the harbour and the trees, and it was a productive afternoon. And of course I got some lame sunburn, so now I'm dealing with that.
Today I'm getting a long-overdue pedicure, seeing a man about a turkey, and possibly taking a hip hop dance class (we'll see). Oh yeah, last week I started going back to ballet, thank god. It feels good.